Frequently Asked Questions: 

What can I expect in my first session?

My goal for the first session is to make you feel as safe and comfortable as possible. Beginning a journey of healing can bring up a lot of emotions. I completely understand that it may take time to let someone in, so that is why I believe it is helpful to know what the first session will look like. Being fully aware of the discomfort, I do not expect you to dive deep into your emotions. The majority of the session will be focused on reviewing a few of the policies and procedures stated in the informed consent (that you will have already read prior to session), going through the history of the presenting problem (i.e., the form you filled out before session), setting goals for treatment, and developing a plan to obtain those goals.  

I am a Christian and would like for my faith to be a part of the therapeutic process. How does that work? 

You will notice in the informed consent that there is an option to integrate Christianity with psychology, as well as a choice to incorporate prayer. If you would like to include one or both aspects, simply check the box you are interested in and we will move forward with your request/s. Choosing to integrate usually consists of me following your lead. For example, if you bring something up in relation to God, I will process that with you. I may also bring up interventions that integrate Christianity with psychology that you can use that may help bring you closer to God. If you would like for prayer to be included, I typically pray at the end of session, however, I am also open to praying at the beginning as well. Just let me know. We can invite Jesus into the process as much as you want. 

Do I have to be a Christian to receive therapy?

No. I respect individual differences, beliefs, and cultural backgrounds, and you do not need to be spiritual or religious to work with me. 

How much do you charge and do you take insurance?  

My rate is $150 per 50-minute session. I can provide a superbill that you can submit to your insurance, where you may receive partial reimbursement for out of network PPO coverage. It would be best, however, to call your insurance to see what the out-of-network rate is as well as their process of reimbursement. Although most PPOs offer partial reimbursement, not all do, so it is highly recommended that you call your insurance before beginning therapy.  Additionally, in order to receive some kind of reimbursement, most insurances require a therapist to provide a diagnosis. Note: I will only provide a diagnosis, i.e., if the client meets all the criteria according to the Diagnostic Statistic Manual 5 (DSM-5). It would be unethical and illegal for a therapist to deliberately report a diagnosis to an insurance company that is not accurate in order to trigger coverage where it should not exist. Thank you for your understanding.

Do you offer a sliding scale? 

While I do not offer a sliding scale, I have designated a few time slots for a discounted rate. They tend to fill up pretty quickly, so I cannot guarantee that I will have some openings, but please feel free to ask. 

When do you offer appointments? 

I see clients on Mondays from 11am-7:30pm, Thursdays from 11am-9pm, and Saturday mornings from 9am-11am. 

How long do your sessions last? 

50 minutes.

What is your cancellation policy? 

I have a 24-hour cancellation policy. If you are unable to cancel within 24 hours of your next scheduled appointment, you are responsible to pay the agreed upon fee for that session. If you do not cancel your appointment at all, which is documented as a “No Show,” you will be charged the full fee. 

Are you offering in-person sessions?

No, I am currently offering telehealth therapy (virtual therapy). 

How does telehealth therapy work?

You’ll want to make sure you have a strong Wi-Fi connection and a place of privacy. Right before our appointment, I will send a link to you via email utilizing the Psychology Today platform. Click on the link and it will take you to a “waiting room.” I will then let you in once our session begins.